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Надувной трон

ID 1270 New   4 225
691 €
In stock   

Надувной трон - декорация и фотозона к празднованию Масленицы в разнообразных вариантах фотопечати - городецкая роспись, хохлома, гжель. Памятные фото обеспечены. Выполнен из прочного и надежного ПВХ, легкая и приятная эксплуатация. Изготовим в короткие сроки и доставим в любую точку.

Prices, photos and images of the figures are for reference only, branding and logo application must be coordinated!

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Complete the purchase of spare parts, wow-design or decor. Related products and accessories are paid extra!
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Certification, materials
Material ПВХ 650 г/м²; поролон
General characteristics
  • трон;
  • насос;
  • ремонтный комплект.
Overall dimensions (LxWxH) ↗1,5 х ↔0,8 х ↕1,85 м
Warranty 1 год, полные условия смотрите в разделе Гарантия
Производитель оставляет за собой право изменять характеристики товара, его внешний вид и комплектность без предварительного уведомления Покупателя, при этом сохраняются назначение товара, область его применения, круг потребителей
Features of delivery and payment:
  • Goods from availability are paid in 100% volume.

  • Products under the order are paid prepaid from 30% to 60%, the amount of the prepayment is agreed by the personal manager.

  • We monitor the current availability of goods and their value on our website, for any inconsistencies that arise, please contact our experts. All products are in our production and warehouse in Yekaterinburg.

  • Prices on the site are not including delivery, which is calculated individually for each client. We will take into account the wishes of production time, delivery speed, volume, offering favorable rates and a guarantee of a safe transaction. At any stage of cooperation, you can receive a photo report on the process of production, packaging and dispatch of goods.

  • We deliver the goods to the selected transport company in Yekaterinburg for free, and we also offer special delivery terms to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, the cities of the Urals for 0 rub! *


We work with transport companies: "Baikal Service", "Business Lines", "Express-Auto", "Energy", "ZhelDorEkspeditsiya" and others. A wide network of cooperation allows you to select the TC you are used to. In addition, in situations where the deadlines are on or if delivery is required at minimum rates, we will select the most convenient option for you from the existing list of companies.

Delivery is carried out in Russia, in the CIS countries and Europe.

Attention! Delivery to the terminal of the transport company in Yekaterinburg and to the terminal of the city of Moscow is free of charge!

Depending on the method of transportation, the number of days of transportation and its cost are calculated. Detailed information you can find out from the company's employees or preview the deadlines in the text below ...

The following delivery methods are available to you:

  • Motor transport, general cargo and individual delivery - from 3 days.
  • Air delivery - from 1 day
  • Railway transport - from 3 days
  • Delivery in the CIS and European countries - depend on the method of movement of cargo.

Installation, operation and warranty

Each product is completed with the instruction manual, which contains requirements for installation, operation, compliance with safety measures and method of careful storage.

For the installation of products do not require special knowledge and tools. Products are installed in accordance with the attached instructions.

We pay special attention of our customers to the individuality of each product, the features of which are reflected in the contract, application and other documents attached to the product (technical data sheet or instruction). The Manufacturer shall not be liable for the independent actions or omissions of the Buyer in relation to the product and its use, in conditions other than those described in the contract and other documents accompanying the fulfillment of obligations, including warranty. For any questions of operation, you can contact our expert for clarification.

Order conditions and payment methods?

You can leave a request on our website or call the multichannel phone number 8 800 555-62-41. Also for you phone is available for the regions +7 (996) 174-39-79. If for some reason you can not contact the specified contacts, you can always order a "callback".

You can leave a request to our managers - by emailing info@airmir.ru or via the application: WhatsApp, Skype, Viber at +7 (996) 174-39-79 . As a rule, the processing of an application in our company takes no more than 25 minutes (during working hours).

    The following payment methods are available to you:
  1. Cashless payments are available for all customers, legal entities and individuals.
  2. Transfer through Sberbank online or other online banks.
  3. Available loans in the "Federal Bank".
  4. Cash payment.

Attention! Payment terms are individual, check with your personal manager for payment and terms.

Does pneumo tissue get wet? How to prepare and store the product?

In our production, we use synthetic PVC fabrics, Oxford, TPU, Duspo, etc. All these types of polymers have water-repellent properties, but products made from them are not completely airtight. Moisture can penetrate the stitching segments of the segments, but under the long-term effects of precipitation in the form of rain, getting wet material is not excluded!

The general rules for structures made of PVC, Oxford, TPU, Duspo set mandatory storage requirements. Before storing the attraction, it is necessary to get rid of the remnants of moisture, pre-drying the product. Storage should be carried out in a moderately humid, ventilated room, at a temperature of from 0 to + 35 ° C.

If for some reason, the pneumo construction has lain (which we categorically, as a manufacturer do not recommend) in a cold room, then the product must be given time to “move away from winter” . To do this, place the attraction, for a while, in a warm environment.

Violations of storage conditions can lead to darkening, destruction of the structure of the material, the appearance of a fungus (mold), cracks in the print on the pictures. Especially often - this occurs in cases when the product was lying in a damp, cold room or, due to negligence, when moisture from the attraction shell was not completely removed, before placing it in a warehouse.

For questions regarding the storage, transportation of the product and the operating conditions, you can familiarize yourself in the form: question-answer in the product card of your interest, or contact our manager. We will surely help in the solution of emerging issues.

Can I become a dealer or representative?

We are always open for the most active, enterprising, willing to open new horizons in business. And it doesn’t matter whether you start your own business from scratch or you already have a successful project.

What do we offer?

A successful product that is in constant demand in the Russian market. Inflatable figures, children's trampolines, obstacle lanes - and this is not the whole list of products, due to which you can build a full-fledged, profitable business or significantly expand the range, with benefits for the development of your company.

Unlike many companies that regulate the sales of their partners, we do not have this item in the contract. You can purchase our products, anytime, anywhere, without any sanctions and consequences for your business! In addition, cooperating with us, other useful “buns” are waiting for you: providing mock-ups and photographic materials, consulting on organizing advertising campaigns, free delivery to the terminal of your city (as agreed, depending on distance), and much more.

Read more and leave a request here .

Can you choose the right color / combination of colors for my product?

We always have a choice of fabric, presented in more than 60 shades. You can always choose a combination of colors for your product on our website. In addition, our managers will help determine the choice, choosing the optimal combination of colors for your composition.

Attention! Reflected colors on the screen of your gadget / computer may differ slightly from the colors realized in the final product. This is due to both the color settings on your screen (color saturation), and the functions of expanding brightness, contrast and the predominant effects: blue, red screen, etc.

Do I have to pay for the layout in the manufacture of individual products?

When developing an individual layout for your technical task, the work of the designer is paid separately, in the amount of 3,500 rubles (cost agreed separately). If later, the sample is approved by you, and the figure will be made by us, then the payment made will be credited to the established cost of the figure. In other words, when you pay for an individual product - you get a 3d sketch for free.

How can I find out that the product is ready, and fully meets the stated specifications?

Upon completion of the manufacture of the product, a photo report of the finished product is provided, as a rule, made from several angles: the general plan, photos from several sides and photographs of individual elements.

If I only have a photo (sketch) of the piece I liked, can you make the product?

I liked the inflatable product in the picture on the Internet, but for some reason you can not buy at the addressee? No problem! You can always contact our specialists with a sketch or a photo you like. Our designers will outline all the contours of the figure you like, while technologists and sewing craftsmen will prepare patterns and make the product.

The order of work and the provision of original documents?

After your first request, our manager will contact you to clarify the details of the order, tell you about the time of manufacture, agree on the dimensions of the product, color, material, etc. After that, the agreed details are written in the contract annex, and the document is mutually signed. We send its scanned copy to your email (or via whatsApp, viber) for final approval.

According to the agreed proportions of payment - you pay for the product. In turn, after the receipt of funds on the account or the provision of a payment order - from our side, a 3D model of the product is developed and agreed upon. Upon its completion, the electronic model is given for production.

Work with documents is made by three methods. Sending documents in place with the finished product to your address, which is somewhat longer than sending by Russian Post or courier service. The last two methods of shipment is carried out in the case when it is impossible to pay for the product without the originals or at your request, but with the agreement of our manager.

What is the difference between the figures in a simple, standard and complex performance?

In the segment of inflatable products - economy figures (standard) break stereotypes that, for example, low-end models are necessarily of poor quality. In our case, the statement is not true.

What's the secret?

Sewing technology makes it possible to complicate or simplify the final result, giving the figure a more detailed look at the expense of three-dimensional elements, or vice versa to make simple contours that simplify the design model. Accordingly, more materials are spent on products of complex execution, and work on their creation takes a long time. For this reason, cost is changing, but not performance.

All products are made of the same material, common components are used, so the quality of any inflatable product remains consistently high. The service life for economy, standard and premium performance is the same.

Budget products or economy class figures are figures that are distinguished by external simplicity. Their shape is not complicated by multiple three-dimensional elements, application and ornament. Honestly, this is not necessary. For example, simple in our understanding are the figures, like an inflatable bottle, a can, a pack and a barrel. Given that the finished product can be copyright, individual, in a beautiful bright performance.

Figures of the class standard - are distinguished by more detailed details and the presence of volumetric elements. For their creation, labor costs are higher, and there are more consumable materials. Visually, the standard - the figures look fabulous, their image is well developed. For example, inflatable Santa Claus in this segment is a fabulous grandfather in a bright performance.

Premium class figures - have the highest degree of detail, in other words, the image is almost completely created by three-dimensional embroidery elements, ornament is often used, and the product according to the chosen theme is covered with printing in high resolution. Premium is an incredibly realistic figure, it does not matter if it’s a fabulous character, a copy of your product, animal figures or cartoon heroes.

ВАЖНО! Перемещение пневмоконструкций

Запрещено передвигать и перемещать пневмоконструкции в надутом / в развернутом состоянии за петли и крепежные элементы. Используйте петли только для крепления пневмоконструкции на поверхности.

Перемещать пневмоконструкции допускается только в сдутом состоянии, единым модулем в свернутом виде (запрещено тащить войлоком, поднимать от земли). Перед монтажом ознакомьтесь с техническим паспортом!


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