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Single module obstacle course

Single module inflatable obstacle course for children's fun, corporate and sports games from the manufacturer at low prices. Bright design. Various filling obstacles. Reliability, 1 year warranty. Convenient delivery in Russia and the CIS.

Одномодульные надувные полосы препятствий — отличная альтернатива привычным надувным батутам. Небольшие размеры вмещают в себя и горки, и элементы искусственных ограничений. Дети в восторге от таких конструкций. Коммерческое использование надувных полос препятствий расширяет горизонты их применения: для отдыха, для бизнеса, тренировок и развлечений.

single module stripes

3 760 €
Sizes, m: 10,5 х 3 х 3,8 м
Number of players: 2-4
Max. load, kg: 380
Buy in one click
4 260 €
Sizes, m: 12,9 х 3,2 х 3,7 м
Number of players: 2-4
Max. load, kg: 380
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5 120 €
Sizes, m: 14 х 3 х 4,5 м
Number of players: 2-4
Max. load, kg: 380
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5 229 €
Sizes, m: 13,0 х 3,35 х 3,2 м
Number of players: 2-4
Max. load, kg: 380
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3 697 €
Sizes, m: 10 х 3 х 4
Number of players: 2-4
Max. load, kg: 380
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4 115 €
Sizes, m: 10 х 3 х 3 
Number of players: 2-4 (возраст от 14 до 55 лет)
Max. load, kg: 380
Buy in one click
5 120 €
Sizes, m: 12 х 3,6 х 4 м
Number of players: 2-4
Max. load, kg: 380
Buy in one click


Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы

How is your price for inflatable attraction?

When forming the price for an inflatable attraction, it is first of all important for us that it conforms to the national standard. Therefore, the purchased material, threads, accessories not only meet the established requirements of GOST-53487, but also exceed its technical characteristics.

In addition, the cost includes the payment of personnel, laid the complexity of manufacturing the product, the cost of printing, the cost of decorating an inflatable platform. In the new product, which is not developed, laid the costs of creating patterns and the work of designers. Simply put, it consists of the cost of materials, pay for staff and a small margin.

Can you make a small trampoline for a game room (house, cottage)?

In our assortment there are inflatable trampolines of both large, medium and very small sizes, which are perfect for filling the space in the game room, children's room at home and cottage. In addition, virtually any inflatable center based on your wishes, we can make to order.

Filling a small trampoline, usually no less bright than on large rides: small slides and obstacles, three-dimensional figures and other elements - in general, everything that kids love so much.

By the way, a small trampoline is a great opportunity to diversify a children's playroom, adding an attraction as an additional, but profitable entertainment equipment.

Do I have to pay for the layout in the manufacture of individual products?

When developing an individual layout for your technical task, the work of the designer is paid separately, in the amount of 3,500 rubles (cost agreed separately). If later, the sample is approved by you, and the figure will be made by us, then the payment made will be credited to the established cost of the figure. In other words, when you pay for an individual product - you get a 3d sketch for free.


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