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Choose aeromennya for every taste!

This ad does not get tired, does not require a budget, works 24/7 both day and night, attracting customers with an unusual author's design and bright dance, thereby paying attention to your business.

How to choose aeromena

Who would have thought that 10 years have passed since the foundation of our company? But even we, during this period of work in the market, could not imagine that air stations will occupy their niche in the field of advertising. Moreover, the way from a simple dancing man, to a complex, but more functional one, we passed swiftly, And this is all thanks to you, our clients! You, like no one else know the needs of your business, understand the methods of effective advertising. Therefore, in 10 years we have made more than 10,000 aeromenes in different images and forms. The accumulated model range allows you to offer your colleagues and you the most vivid and dynamic figures.

Aeromenes are advertising that does not get tired, does not require a budget, but works 24/7 both day and night, attracting customers with an unusual author's design and bright dance, thereby paying attention to your business.

Take a closer look at this ad for your effective ad!

Ready images for any business:

  • Cook - for a restaurant, a pizzeria from 19000₽.
  • Master - for services from 19000₽.
  • Builder - for hardware stores and repair shops from 19000₽.
  • Doctor, pharmacist - for medical institutions from 19000₽.
  • Car mechanic - for tire fitting, repair boxes, car repair shops and car shops from 19000₽.
  • The images of animals - cats, dogs, symbols (logos) of your business from 19000₽.

Order your aeromen

Aeromenes - a bright advertising medium for your business, shows, pr and exhibitions. You will definitely be noticed!

You can choose a suitable option in our portfolio or order a completely new turnkey figure. We will develop a realistic 3d layout, coordinate the details and price.

{items} 762,131,670,709,720,721,724,727,728,729,732,734,758,759,760,764,765,766,859,860,861,862,863,864,865,867 {/ items}


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