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“The result of RAAPA EXPO - 2017 - new contracts and a gold medal”

Traditionally, every time at the exhibition we present new products for review by industry professionals. This time for the first time there was a presentation: inflatable children's trampolines "Snake Gorynych" and trampoline "Tank", teaching didactic soft modules.   Well, as always, we have not forgotten about the upcoming holiday. Soon May 9th, therefore, demonstrated how   inexpensively and beautifully decorate the celebration venue with an inflatable air street, painted in the colors of the Russian flag,   and “imitation of fire” - well emphasizing commemoration of military glory.

As always, our company’s stand was noisy, some just watched the exhibits presented, the children played on exhibition specimens, professionals in the cultural and leisure sector evaluated the possibilities and the quality of the products .

While the younger generation was testing the strength of inflatable trampolines, experts carefully studied the model "Serpent Gorynych" and the trampoline "Tank". The main difference between these attractions from their predecessors is that the products embodied the concept implemented in large and bright figures - “Serpent Gorynych” and “Tank”. And if someone had doubts about the correctness of the chosen subject, then they were dispelled when the number of children who wanted to go down the hill, jump, exceeded the capabilities of the game centers.   By the way, on the second day of the exhibition, we even had to hang up a sign on the trampoline “Zmey Gorynych” - “the trampoline was tired”.

There was something for us to show, and besides that ...  

Exposure of soft modules caused a stir   from customers, toddlers and their parents. The children enjoyed swimming in the pool with balls “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, practiced the skill of tying the pattern on the wings of the Firebird, tried their luck by throwing rings into the ringbros (didactic elements are located on the sides of the pool). In the training game "Seasons" willingly participated adults. Together with the children, they dressed the depicted "little men" in clothes, attached attributes to   each tree and seated birds, in accordance with season of the year.  

The main thing is notvictory, but participation

For some, this is a good motto, but not for AeroMir. therefore   among 100 exhibiting companies turned out to be our application for participation in the competition from   RAAP - “The Best Exposition”. And of course, we were very pleased to have won the main award in this prestigious nomination. In a solemn atmosphere, the gold medal and diploma were presented by the organizers of the exhibition to AeroMir Director Yury Alexandrovna Kasyanova.


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