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February 14 is the day when hearts are united - thanks to you!

Inflatable scenery and figures for February 14

Catalog of rides and decor for February 14

February 14, a couple of decades ago, it seemed like an ordinary weekday! However, who would have thought that over time, this date will not need a separate presentation! Valentine's Day is almost the only holiday when they express their feelings in a special and unusual way. For example, they give out heart-shaped cards (valentines), present flowers, read poems, and finally, confess love and sympathy to each other, throwing love messages in the most unusual way.

On this day, couples can be found in cafes, on the street, in the cinema, in shopping centers and other places. And, we can say that this is the case when you just need to surprise all couples, giving the opportunity to take a photo for a long memory in the magnificent photo-zone “Miracle Ball”, against the background of the inflatable figure “Heart” and the solemn arch in the shape of a ring . All these aerofigure and other products under the order (for your vision and idea), you can order from us.

Moreover, acquiring inflatable figures, you solve very important tasks - sincerely pleases visitors, from whom the answer will be instant. Photos will scatter on a network that, certainly, will raise popularity of your institution or event. Provided, of course, that you do not forget on inflatable figures, mention a couple of lines about yourself.

Catalog of rides and decor for February 14


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